Sunday, September 25, 2011

Progress Report

Last month, we moved from Vancouver, BC to Montreal, where Merrianne has lived on and off for over 20 years. Here I am on the new blue chair:

There are a lot of new things to get used to, but thanks to good friends Ella and Esme, I had no problems meeting my new doctor at Chaton Sante:

Everyone is very curious to meet me here. There is also an interesting street culture in my new hood:

I met Garry Lewis too:

His mom is awesome. This is a neighbor Tuxedo Boy, dressed for every occasion. I am happy that he survived a very serious illness last year:

All is well in la belle province so far, though Vancouver is in my heart and soul. Much love to everyone.

Lemon-printed using BlogPress from Merrianne's iTouch.


  1. Welcome back Lemon!

    I added you to my RSS feed and have been watching for your return. You have landed in the nicest neighbourhood in Montreal haven't you! Thank you for showing us some of your pictures too.

    DashKitten and Marjorie
